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So You're Thinking of Visiting Our Church?

Thank you for visiting our website! Adults meet in the sanctuary at 11 AM, where you're greeted by our church members with a smile and a handshake. 

Who is Ahava For?

Ahava is for sinners. We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) which means that none of us are perfect and we're all in need of a Savior. Everyone is welcome at Ahava!

What Should I Wear?

We like to wear our Sunday best! Whether that be a three piece suit, dress, or jeans and a t-shirt, just come as you are.

What is the Service Like?

Our Sunday morning service begins with Bro. Mike reading off some announcements followed by Bro. Fred coming and reading a passage of Scripture. We're then lead by our Music Director, Bro. Jeff, in worship consisting of both hymns and some contemporary songs. Bro. Mike will then begin his sermon which typically lasts anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.

What About My Kids?

When you arrive feel free to drop your littles off with one of our Ahava Jr. (nursery) volunteers! We also offer Children's Church for kids in grades K-5. After the song service in the sanctuary, Miss Jami takes the class over to the fellowship hall.  A Bible story is always taught, snacks are had, songs are sung, and crafts are sometimes crafted; ensuring that your child will have a fun filled time learning about the Bible!

What's Happening on Sundays?

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Bro. Mike will be continuing his series through this book on Sundays!

What's Happening on Wednesdays?

Adults meet in the sanctuary @ 7 PM

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Bro. Fred will be starting his series in this book on Wednesday nights!

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